CZ said on the X platform, "More Giggle Academy courses have been released, and 162 storybooks have been exposed. If you can't see the storybooks on your Android device, please uninstall and reinstall. The team is fixing a bug. This is an early issue. Take your time, we continue to build."
Education platform Giggle Academy has announced that the official X account has been restored. It says that Giggle Academy is a free learning app. No tokens, no fees, only fun education, please check everything carefully to avoid scams. Yesterday, the official X account of Giggle Academy was suspected to have been stolen, and the X platform replied about the launch of tokens. It said that the tokens would be issued on BSC and SOL, with a token contract address. The reply has been deleted.
CZ posted on the X platform that it woke up and found that "the Giggle Academy X account has been hacked" and is working hard to restore it. When users access content anywhere, please use common sense.
He Yiyu, co-founder of Binance, replied to the message "Giggle Academy releases tokens": "If Giggle Academy releases any information about issuing coins or asking you to invest, then the account is stolen."
The official X account of education platform Giggle Academy is suspected to have been stolen. Its account replied to the X platform about the launch of tokens 40 minutes ago, saying that the tokens will be issued on BSC and SOL, and are equipped with a token contract address. The reply has been deleted. Previously, CZ said that Giggle Academy would not launch a token.
"Tell the team that this is the wrong way to invite. Encryption practitioners should never download files from email. This is a huge security concern and will be fixed," CZ said in response to users receiving a message about "Giggle Academy emails containing file download links."
CZ announced the Giggle Academy logo and design ideas. He expressed the hope that the logo can show youth, fun, positive energy and growth, while continuing the "Binance tradition": The logo is a child's face, symbolizing youth. 2. Smiley faces are composed of "Gi" characters (rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise), such as "Gi" ggle. 3. The curved "i" is a wink. Fun and playful. 4.G is extended from the mouth...
CZ公布Giggle Academy Logo以及设计思路,他表示希望Logo能够展现青春、乐趣、正能量和成长,同时延续“币安传统”: 1. 标志是一张孩子的脸,象征着青春。 2. 笑脸由“Gi”字符(逆时针旋转90度)组成,如“Gi”ggle。 3. 弯曲的“i”是眨眼。 有趣又好玩。 4. G是从嘴里伸...